In order to understand the difference between Zodiac and Rashi, it is necessary to have an understanding of them. Zodiac sign is the sign of the sun during the time when you were born, which is based on where the sun was in transit during the time when you were born. By the month and date of a person's birth, the sun passes through the 12 zodiac signs in a period of 12 months, so the location of the sun is often found in one zodiac sign for a period of one month, so one can easily assign a sun sign to them simply by the month and date of their birth. Depending on your sun sign, you are able to gain a better understanding of what the future holds for you.
Your Rashi is determined by where the moon was during your birth, which determines your moon sign. As the moon takes 28 days to travel through the 12 zodiac signs, its location only lasts 54 hours in each sign, so assigning a moon sign requires further investigation. Taking a deeper look at your daily life and energies around you that affect your future, your Rashi is more important than your zodiac sign. It is important to note that each of the Zodiac signs is associated with its own planet and house.
Sign of the Sun -- Sign of the Moon -- Sign of the House -- Sign of the Planet
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