Face reading is an ancient practice that uses the proportions, features, and expressions of the face to gain insight into a person's character and personality traits. While it can be a fascinating practice, it is important to note that it should be used as a tool for self-reflection and growth, not as a tool to judge or label someone.
“The face can be viewed as a mosaic of many small pieces joined together to create a whole, which can then be divided back into component parts for analysis. The whole, however, is always more than just the parts and is held together by the glue of the individual spirit that resides within. The face is both our mask to the outside world and the access to our inner selves, with clues that are readily apparent if we just start noticing them.”
Face reading can either be incorporated with other modalities or used as a sole modality. As part of my wellness practice, I offer devoted face-reading sessions to clients around the world in person or online. As well as integrating face reading into my Craniosacral sessions, I also use my observations in conversations with clients and in my work with them to enhance my work. It is the goal of all healing modalities to provide the best possible healing experience for the patient. Face reading is another tool in the healing modality toolbelt that can be helpful in initial and return intakes, during treatments, and ultimately in helping the client better understand themselves. In my experience, self-understanding is an integral part of achieving lasting healing.
During a face reading, clients may feel both anticipation and vulnerability, so I read faces only when invited with careful and kind observation skills, holding most importantly the intention of gentleness and compassion. I go by the adage, “less is more”. “Focus on what is working, and the rest will fall away!” When we shift toward building health rather than always honing in on more startling signs, the dis-ease begins to soften. More so, just by being seen with compassionate energy, a client will feel at ease and begin to embrace their healing journey in an empowered way
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